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14.7. - 01.04.24
Point of View
Städtische Galerie Fruchthalle Rastatt

L’expo.001, Inauguration
La Maison, Kauffenheim, FR

24.02.24 - 23.3.24
La Bella Confusione
Urban Spree Galerie, Berlin

running Raum www

studio adress:
Johannes Mundinger
c/o Urban Spree
Revaler Str 99
10245 Berlin

oo49 (o) 179 748 o2 81

mural painted in Novi Sad, Serbia
French-Serbian curator Vladimir Palibrk is the head behind Street Art Residencies, an initiative bringing artists to Serbia.

Vladimir invited Sophia Hirsch and me for two weeks to see Belgrade, Pancevo and Novi Sad, meeting local artists, crafts(wo)men and musicians, visiting museums, monuments and a monastery surrounded by a raffinery. And obviously: to paint walls.

mural painted in Novi Sad, Serbia

Above a mural I painted in Novi Sad with the great support of local initiative Chain Reaction.
And below the one in Pancevo, supported by Dusan Marino/Gallerija Caffe.

mural painted in Pancevo, Serbia
(photo above by Dusan Marino)

mural painted in Pancevo, Serbia

Below Vladimir and Sophia in front of her mural in Pancevo.

mural painted by Sophia Hirsch in Pancevo, Serbia

And here one example of the great paintings at the Naive Art Gallery Kovacica, painted by Ondrej Venjarski.

Naive Art painting by Ondrej Venjarski

The trip was supported by Elektrika Pancevo, I-Portunus, The Serbian Ministry of Culture, The Institute Francaise, Novi Sad Capital of Culture 2021 foundation and maybe more. Thank you!

mural painted in Pancevo, Serbia
(photo above by Dusan Marino)